September 15, 2003

  • Some light-hearted reading for Monday...

    I guess I am a racist.

    "You're so racist," Said the white-washed Asian guy, "Why do you talk in favor of the Asians?"

    If I don't, who will? The white-washed Asians? Or the white people?

    Dealing with white-washed (or "Americanized", for a better word... whatever) minority is the worse scenario when it comes to racial-related conversations, because they actually buy into that "everyone is equal" crap that our society has been preaching for centuries.

    People, myself included, are not going to see pass skin colors. At work, co-workers refers me as the "talented Asian designer that looks younger than he actually is." At games, I often heard people said "Guard that Asian dude over there! He's a shooter!" (Most Asians are, since we're usually shorter and aren't as athletically gifted) Of course, who can ever leave out the fact that I am "an Asian guy that fixes up his car"?

    I once had a gun pointed to my head by a white trash, simply for the Asian that I am (guess I can't change that, huh?). So tell me, white-washed Asians: What do you think this guy's response would be when you go preaching to his face that everyone is equal, that America is for everybody? I know what his response would be, because I saw it in his eyes. To him, a white-washed Asian is just a yellow-skinned dog that speaks like a white man, lives like a white man, and tries to be as good as a white man. But he is still just a yellow-skinned dog.

    "Bad people come in all races." He argues. True. But when a white person does a bad thing, he doesn't have to carry his racial ethnicity with him to face judgement from our white-dominant society.

    White-washed Asians just don't get it.

Comments (3)

  • Hey! I don't know about you but I am athletically gifted, and I'm as Asian as they come...... Ok So i'm not that Talented at sport. I think that you are totally correct when you "talk in favour of the Asians", There's nothing wrong with speaking up for your own side. What really gets to me is when people talk down their own side, like they are too good for them. It's almost like they are ashamed of who they are. And no one should be ashamed of who and what they are... Stand tall, be proud. But sadly in every race there are those that make a bad name for the rest of us

  • you sound somewhat bitter henry

    i just feel that everyone has a right to speak whatever they feel like - but that doesn't mean whatever they say is beneficial or right, or wrong or detrimental.  it's just someone's own opinion - and who knows what factors contributed to his/her forming their opinion?  it could be flawed in one's point of view (not everyone stands on equal footing!!!) but for those who do believe that "everyone is equal" they must have theire reasons why they think so...

    anyways, i just dont like ppl typecasting other people, especially among our own asian community.  i mean isn't it enough that the "establishment" has already typecast us as "asians"???  and now we gotta go and distinguish ourselves from each other as "no, i'm NOT chinese!!! i'm korean" or "no, i'm not cantonese, i'm shanghainese"

    one thing i want to mention is that everyone has different views because no one looks at the world from the same lens as you do - 1/3 of my friends view me as a total f.o.b., then another 1/3 tells me i'm so white-washed, and the other 1/3 tells me that i'm chinese (and no i'm not)

    and to tell the truth, although i get irritated whenever someone typecasts me as something, i just shrug it off because no matter what other ppl view me as, i know i'm daniel and that's that and that's all that matters

  • hey henry, this is tommy...long time no see.....i give you props for speaking your mind and speaking how you see it....being asian in this country definitely has its share of challenges and're right man.....for some matter what you do or what you accomplish, they'll never get past your skin's not just specific to caucasians's really shallow...but you know what? they're probably just as shallow in many other aspects in their lives....and this narrow minded perspective commonly carries on to other ways they view other races and even sub-groups like surfers or ironic as it sounds, they're blind because they can't get beyond what they see...

    but the good news is...i've met loads of people..white, black, hispanic, you name many of them have open minds and choose to look past the brief impresion from a person's race and rather make judgement on the content of their character...gosh that sounds a lot like what king jr said.....hahaha...well, my point in the midst of all the racism that persists today, there's still hope : )

    keep on preach'n brotha!

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