Month: July 2008

  • //Comic-Con International – San Diego

    Outta all the commissions I did, I only liked 3 pieces enough to take photos of them…

    Full Metal Alchemist

    I hate robots…

    I love Harley…

    More photos to come…

  • //Introducing Pollie :)

    I made two patterns into tees. It was received REALLY well. Here are some bad photos of the tees. I am taking orders. If you’d like one, please PayPal me at and state the Size, Stars/Hearts, Blue/Pink. The sizing is on the smaller side, so please order with that in mind. For the time being, I am selling them at $15 per shirt. If you aren’t local to me, I am splitting the shipping cost with you. So $3 shipping per shirt +$1 for each additional shirt. If you’d like to model in exchange for a free shirt, I’d appreciate it. But please don’t take it personally if I do not choose you to be a model. Thanks!

    Tee: $15.00
    Shipping: $3.00/shirt, $1.00/each additional

  • //Anime Expo 2008

    For 4 days straight, my diet consisted of a pack of beef jerky and a
    big bottle of Vitamin Water (Energy). Such diet lasts about 12 hours
    each day. I realized that on the 4th day that I lost about an inch of
    waist, as my jeans slid down far enough for my heels to step on the
    edges. 5 pounds of my weight were lost over the weekend, a combination
    of super low carb diet and minor dehydration.

    So… Anime Expo 2008 Artist Alley… was more like a cheap swap
    meet, filled with self-doubting artists lowballin’ their own “artwork”,
    and thus themselves, in order to make a sale. My neighbor, a talented
    young girl, priced her commission price at $1.00 each. ONE DOLLAR! The
    paper and pencil for the commission cost more than that. It takes her
    thirty-five commissions to match just ONE of my cheapest commission.
    35x the work? I told her to have confidence in her own work and don’t
    sell herself short the way she does. The artwork itself will attract
    people who can truly appreciate the work. Besides, I personally
    wouldn’t want some cheapskate to own my artwork, anyway.

    And seriously, to those who cried out “Jesus Christ!” upon finding
    out my commission rates: Have you even looked at my work and see how
    good of a deal it is compared to other industry professionals?!

    Then there’s the “artwork”, if you can call them that. Maybe I am
    too traditional when it comes to the idea of an artist alley, but I
    always believed that it is an opportunity for me to show off the
    progression of my skill as an illustrator, and an opportunity for
    creative expression. But walking down the aisles of the Artist Alley in
    AX, I saw few of that. Most artists just drew different characters in
    the same poses, like how a photographer would take photos for a high
    school yearbook, totally hiding their weakness in their ability to draw
    anatomy instead of facing it. I do understand their mindset. It was the
    quickest, painless and brainless method to crank out large variety of
    artwork for sale. That, of course, saddens me to see artists whoring
    themselves out at customers with quantity instead of quality. The
    artists that weren’t cheating themselves outta their integrity made me
    question whether they should be considered artists at all. They made
    keychains, pins and other nice accessories. But in my opinion, those
    are “crafts”. Not art. One may point out that there are indeed artwork
    on the accessories. But that those repetitive looking artwork just
    further prove my point about these artists losing focus at what
    becoming an artist is about.

    There’s still a few artists that I am glad to see, pushing
    boundaries of creativity and expression differently. It was a pleasure
    to have met all of them (again) and I hope to see more of them and
    their work in the future.

    Again, I wanna thank everyone who came out to see me. I promise I’ll try to stay in touch through out the years.

    …The place is big, awright…

    My neighbor, Anjii, who had to tie her display on the foot of my table to keep it from tumbling down…

    Bing’s artwork is always well painted…

    Vivi came all the way from Connecticut…

    Jessica, and daughter, Madison, who really enjoyed hanging out with Uncle Henry. Apparently, there’s a rumor going around that I am the father because she liked me so much.

    Celine came all the way from Florida to offer her support…

    Baby sister Jessica came by to promote my branding…

    Crazy rally racer Lisa Klassen again visited and demonstrated her love for cars…

    The very talented Dominique!